ChartBrick Lifetime Deal
ChartBrick Lifetime Deal
ChartBrick : Lifetime Deal at One-Time Cost $49
- π Visit Lifetime Deal:
- β ChartBrick allows you to visualize your data (from Notion, Airtable, Stackby, MySQL, CSV and JSON) as insightful charts and make it more understandable.You can also download these charts as images and embed them in Notion pages, websites or anywhere else.Here are some examples
- π ChartBrick allows you to visualize your data (from Notion, Airtable, Stackby, MySQL, CSV and JSON) as insightful charts and make it more understandable.You can also download these charts as images and embed them in Notion pages, websites or anywhere else.Here are some examples
- π Create charts using your databases from Notion or Airtable
π Easy and no-code friendly
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